Barlik M., M. Rajner i T. Olszak. „Analysis of measurements collected in gravity laboratory in Józefosław Observatory during 2007-2010”. International Association of Geodesy Symposium on Terrestial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (tg-smm2010). Sankt Petersburg, Rosja.
  • [bib]
    author  =  {Barlik, Marcin and Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz},
    title  =  {Analysis of measurements collected in gravity laboratory in Józefosław Observatory during 2007-2010},
    year  =  {2010},
    eventtitle  =  {International Association of Geodesy Symposium on Terrestial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (tg-smm2010)},
    address  =  {Sankt Petersburg, Rosja},
    eventdate  =  {2010-06-22/2010-06-25},
    presenter  =  {Marcin Rajner},
    month  =  {jun},
  • [.pdf]